No, no, no!


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Because I support some issues which are politically in line with Liberalism, I occasionally get Emails from people wanting me to sign a petition to support something with which I have a problem.

Today I got an Email asking me to sign a petition against the state of Texas passing a law protecting gay people from being fired by Christian employees for the crime of being gay. Or at least, this is what they are saying what will happen. This is my response:

“This is the blowback you should expect when you have homosexual activists going out of their way to make Christians violate their conscience and the moral teachings of the Church. The men who wanted a “wedding cake” baked for them probably drove by a dozen other bakeries that would have been happy to bake the cake for them. But they knowingly selected a Christian-owned bakery to force the issue and caused a great deal of grief to the owners.

Now we are fighting back against this tyranny and all of a sudden, you don’t like it!

Well, lump it, sweetheart! There’s a new sheriff in town and your bullying is going to stop. You want to be gay – fine! Just keep it to yourself and don’t come fire-breathing into our businesses expecting us to do things that violate our conscience.


Some people are concerned – and I think rightly so – that employers will use this law to fire people just for their sexual preferences. If people use this law to fire people for being gay, they are A.) wrong B.) very wrong C.) very unChristlike. Will they do an investigation and also fire all the adulterers, watchers of Internet porn, petty thieves, etc? I stand against using the law to fire people just because you don’t like their (im)moral choices.

Unless you are going to fire everyone in your company who sins in anyway, you are just letting your hatred show and being a hypocrite.

The real issue here is this: the law is designed to protect the consciences of Christian people who do not wish to in some manner help people act in a sinful manner. Our faith prohibits this. If you come into my shop and announce that you want to buy a knife with the distinct purpose of killing your wife, I have a duty not only to refuse you that service, but to call the police on you. Likewise, if I run a medical supplies company and you, as the owner of an abortion clinic, come into my shop to buy items with which to kill children, I should not have to fear you calling the government down on my head for my refusal to sell you the instruments of an innocent child’s death.

And there are certain sexual sins which also fall under this category. That includes pharmacists being sued because they won’t sell contraceptives or abortifacients. Helping two men “marry” each other (an impossibility, but our insane government keeps trying to recognize this insanity) by being forced to bake a cake for their “wedding.” Renting an apartment or other living quarters to people living in fornication of any sort. Somehow, immoral sexual behavior has achieved the status of protected behavior in this country, and standing for morality places a person directly in line for lawsuits, jail, insults, and even physical violence. Yet the Left doesn’t wish to face the fact that our immorality is killing us as a country, destroying families, causing disease and death. We who oppose such behavior should not be forced to participate in our own destruction.

My point is this: If I don’t wish to help you participate in sin, that is my moral choice, and you don’t have the right to weaponize the government against me when the Constitution gives me the freedom to practice my religious beliefs. I will not jam them down your throat, but I expect the same respect in return. Don’t drive past a dozen businesses to terrorize me with the government if I don’t wish to sell you the tools to do something evil. You are asking me to participate in sin and you are asking me to anger my God against me, neither of which I wish to do. If you come into my business and I know you are gay and want to do business with me – fine. No problem. But if you are intent on rubbing my face in your sins, making me participate in them as a third party supplier, etc. – that’s where I draw the line.

I will respect your life, I will pray for your conversion so that you see the truth, but I will not quietly go into the darkness of cooperating with your behavior without a fight.

And now that we are fighting back for our rights to not be persecuted by the government when we take a moral stand, we are all of a sudden “haters” and the Left is whining that they are being persecuted.

Doesn’t feel so good when it is you to whom it is happening, does it? Maybe you should have thought this through before going all Gay Jihadist on a bunch of innocent business people with certain Christian moral convictions.


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